Sunday, December 26, 2010

Day 102 (0km): Back to regularly scheduled programming

We decided to stay an extra day in Cartagena to give us time to see the sights. We also still weren't completely caught up with computer stuff. 
Welcome to the walled city
For some reason the colder snap that was in progress when we arrived had disappeared. It was at least 30 degrees, which seemed very hot all of a sudden. I was sweating quite a bit walking around the city being a tourist, but I guess it was worth it. The “walled city” has a wall around it (duh) and you can walk along it. So that's what we did first. The wall is interesting because it looks like it was constructed out of coral.
Walking the wall
The wall gets a bit narrow

A view of the fort from the wall

After we walked the wall we wandered around the city inside the wall. We picked up some yummy things from a couple of bakeries and headed back to our hotel.  I bought some non dulce mango from a street vendor. I don't know if I would do that again. It was a weird flavour.
 Inside the wall
I spent the rest of the day updating the blog. It was epic and my bum was almost as sore as a day riding in that stupid BMW seat.
Using the internet in the common area of the hotel

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