The Trip in Numbers

Total Kilometers 39,396
Total Countries Visited 12
Total Days 194
Total Rest Days 56

North America (km) 11,300
Central America (km) 4,724
South America (km) 23,372

Average (km/day) 203
Riding Days Only (km/day) 285
Longest Riding Day (km) 895 *Peru: Lima to Lima (for 1000km Service)
Shortest Riding Day (km) 20 *Costa Rica: Cahuita to Peurto Viejo

Nights Camped (%) 40.4%
Coldest Temperature recorded (oC) -6.5
Warmest Temperature recorded (oC) 42
Number of times the bike was dropped lost count
Total time spent at borders (min) 1485

Total Flat Tires 3
Tire Life (Heidenau) (km) ~20,000
Tire Life (Metzeler) (km) ~10,000
Number of new rear tires 4
Number of new front tires 2
Total Gas Cost ($) $3,975.61 *note: Most expensive gas was Chile, and the cheapest gas was Ecuador

Total Trip cost ($) $17,970.16
Accommodation (%) 13.39%
Food (%) 19.25%
Gas (%) 22.12%
Services/Maintenance (%) 6.84%
Trip cost ($/km) $0.46 *trip costs include costs from Day 1 to Day 194 including shipping the bikes home
Operating Cost ($) $11,774.98 *day-to-day operating costs
Operating Cost ($/day) $60.70 *does not include shipping costs and major services
Budget ($/day) $60.00

Cost for Darien Gap Crossing ($/bike) $901
Cost for Darien Gap Crossing ($/person) $408.81